
How To Use Access Database

  1. 1

    Empathize the function of queries. Queries are deportment that let you quickly view, add, and edit the data in your database. There are a broad diversity of query types, ranging from simple lookups to the creation of new tables based on existing data. Queries are essential tools for building reports.[1]

    • Queries are broken downwards into two primary types: Select and Action. Select queries pull data from tables and tin can brand calculations. Action queries tin can add together, edit, and delete data from tables.
  2. 2

    Employ the Query Wizard to create a basic Select query. If you desire to create a basic select query, use the Query Wizard to walk you through the steps. You can access the Query Magician from the Create tab. This will let you to view specific fields from a tabular array.


Creating a Select Query with Criteria Download Article

  1. 1

    Open the Query Blueprint tool. You can use criteria to narrow downward your select query and only display the information y'all need. To commencement, click the Create tab and select Query Deign.

  2. 2

    Choose your table. The Show Table box will open up. Double-click the table that you want to run the query on, and and then click Shut.

  3. 3

    Add fields to exist retrieved. Double-click on each field in the tabular array that you want to add together to the query. The fields will be added to the Design grid.

  4. 4

    Add your criteria. You tin use several dissimilar types of criteria, such as text or functions. For example, if y'all wanted to merely display prices higher than $50 from your "Prices" field, you would enter >=l into the criteria. If you wanted to only show customers from the UK, yous would blazon U.k. into the Criteria field.

    • You tin can use multiple criteria per query.
  5. 5

    Click Run to see your results. The Run button is located on the Design tab. Your Query results will be displayed in the window. Printing Ctrl + S to salvage the query.


Creating a Select Query with Parameters Download Article

  1. 1

    Open the Query Design tool. A parameter query will allow y'all to specify what you want to remember each time the query is run. For example, if you have a database with customers from various cities, you tin run a parameter query to ask which metropolis you want to brandish results for.

  2. 2

    Create a select query and specify the table(s). Add fields to be retrieved in the query by double-clicking them in the tabular array overview.

  3. 3

    Add together a parameter to the Criteria department. Parameters are denoted by "[]" around the parameter. The text inside the brackets will exist shown in the prompt that appears when the query is run. For example, to prompt for the city, click the Criteria cell for the metropolis field, and type [Which city?].

    • You tin end parameters with "?" or ":", only not with "!" or "."
  4. 4

    Make a multi-parameter query. Yous tin utilise multiple parameters to create a custom range for your query results. For example, if the field is a Date field, you lot can return a range of dates by typing Betwixt [Enter starting engagement:] And [Enter catastrophe date:]. You will receive two prompts when you run the query.[2]


Creating a Brand Table Query Download Commodity

  1. 1

    Click the Create tab and select Query Blueprint. You lot can employ queries to pull specific information from existing tables and create a new table with this data. This is especially useful if you want to share specific parts of your database, or create specific forms for subsets of your database. You volition demand to create a regular select query showtime.

  2. 2

    Select the table(s) that yous desire to pull data from. Double-click on the tables that you want to pull your data from. You tin can pull from multiple tables if necessary.

  3. three

    Select the fields that you want to retrieve data from. Double-click each field that you lot want to add from the table overview. Information technology will be added to your query grid.

  4. 4

    Gear up your criteria. If you want to specify specific data from a field, use the criteria section to fix the filter. See the "Creating a Select Query with Criteria" section above for more details.

  5. 5

    Exam your query to ensure that it returns the results you want. Before you create your table, run the query to ensure that it is pulling all of the correct data. Conform your criteria and fields until yous get all of the data that you lot want.

  6. half dozen

    Save the query. Press Ctrl + S to salvage the query for after employ. It will appear in your navigation frame on the left side of the screen. Click on the query to select it again and so click on the Design tab.

  7. 7

    Click the "Make Table" button in the Query Blazon grouping. A window will appear asking for your new table name. Enter the name for the table and click OK.

  8. 8

    Click the Run button. Your new table volition exist created with the query you lot established. The table volition appear in your navigation frame on the left.


Creating an Append Query Download Commodity

  1. ane

    Open a previously created query. Yous can use an append query to add data to a table that already exists from another table. This is useful if you demand to add more than data to a table you created with a make table query.

  2. 2

    Click the Append push button in the Design tab. This will open the Append dialog box. Select the table you want to suspend.

  3. three

    Change the criteria of your query to match what you want to add together. For instance, if yous created a tabular array with the criteria "2010" for the Year field, modify it to the year y'all want to add, such as "2011".

  4. 4

    Set where you want the data appended. Make sure to set up the correct fields for each cavalcade that yous are appending. For case, when using the to a higher place changes, data should exist appending to the Year field on the Append To row.

  5. 5

    Run the query. Click the Run button on the Deign tab. The query volition be run and the data will be added to the table. You lot tin can open the table to verify that the data was added correctly.


  1. 1

    Select your table or query. Reports permit you to chop-chop display summaries of your information. They are often used for income and shipping reports, and can exist tailored to just about any use. Reports draw information from either tables or queries that you take created.

  2. two

    Click the Create tab. Select the blazon of report you want to create. There are a few dissimilar ways you tin go about creating a report. Admission can create your study for yous automatically, or you can create a custom ane.

    • Report – This volition create an auto-report with all of the information from your source. Nothing will be grouped, but for small databases this is probably sufficient for showing what you need.
    • Blank Written report – This will create an empty study that you lot can make full with your data as you meet fit. Y'all will be able to cull from whatsoever available field to create a custom report.
    • Report Magician – The report wizard volition guide you through the report cosmos procedure, allowing to to choose and group your data, and then format it accordingly.
  3. iii

    Set a source for a blank report. If you've selected to create a bare report, you'll need to select a source for information technology. Starting time, click the Conform tab and and so select Holding Sheet. Alternatively, you tin also press Alt + Enter.

    • Click the down arrow next to the Record Source field. A list of your available tables and queries will appear. Select one and it will be assigned to the written report.
  4. 4

    Add fields to your study. Once you lot have a source, y'all can commencement calculation fields from information technology to your study. Click the Format tab, and then click Add Existing Fields. The Field List volition appear in the right frame.

    • Click and drag the fields yous want to add together into the Design frame. The record will announced in the report. Equally you add additional fields, they will be lined up automatically with existing fields.
    • You can resize fields by clicking on the edges and dragging the mouse.
    • Delete fields from the written report past clicking on the heading and pressing the Delete primal.
  5. v

    Add groups to your study. Groups allow you to quickly parse information in a report, equally they allow yous to organize related information. For instance, you may want to grouping sales past region or by salesperson. Groups allow you to do this.

    • Click the Design tab, click the Group & Sort button.
    • Right-click on any role of the field y'all want to add to a grouping. Select Grouping On from the card.
    • A header will be created for the group. Yous can conform the header to whatever yous want to label the group.
  6. half-dozen

    Salvage and share your study. Once your report is finalized, you tin save information technology and so share it or impress information technology like whatever certificate. Use this to share company performance with investors, contact data to employees, and much more.


How To Use Access Database,


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