
How To Use Reference In Procreate

Procreate is such a versatile app that you can use to create many forms of digital artwork. No matter what your project, you most likely volition have a photo or movie which forms a footing of your inspiration.

There are many ways in which you can contain an paradigm into your project. You may wish to use information technology as a reference, and use elements equally inspiration. This is possible in a couple of means. Going one stride further, you might want to actually trace all or role of an image, at that place are too easy ways to practice this without the reference picture showing up in your final artwork.

In this quick commodity, we'll give y'all some handy tips and show y'all how to use images with Procreate in a few different ways.

Inserting a Reference Image to Procreate

Inserting an image on your Procreate sail, every bit a reference, is super easy. Calculation an epitome in this way won't get in appear directly on your artwork, but in a separate box which y'all can move around equally you wish.

The beginning step is to tap on the deportment tool, which is the offset icon (the one which looks like a wrench) on the top left paw Procreate bill of fare.

One time this menu is open, you'll run across options along the superlative of it, underneath the actions title.

Tap on the second selection, which is chosen canvass.

You'll at present see various options, the settings in this menu are all ways in which you can edit your canvas, or use guides to help you.

In the middle of the card, you lot'll meet an option simply called reference. Turn the toggle next to this, to on – and so it turns blue.

Once y'all've done this, you'll see a box pop up on the screen, on acme of your canvas. It'll be titled reference and should just exist a white box.

At the bottom of this box, at that place are two options – sail and image.

Ensure that the reference image which you want to employ is saved on your tablet in the camera curl or photo gallery before the side by side step.

On the menu at the bottom of the reference image box, tap epitome, the second option along. You'll encounter that the selection has now turned blue and a button in the heart of the box has appeared, maxim import image.

Tap on the push saying import image. You lot should now be taken to your tablet'due south photo gallery/camera scroll. Select the epitome of your selection, and it should announced within the reference box!

Hold down on the top section of the reference image box if you wish to move it around your canvas. If you desire to resize the reference image box, hold and drag the bottom left corner in or out, with your stylus.

If you desire to resize or move the actual epitome inside the reference box, you tin can utilise two fingers to make the picture smaller or bigger, or move information technology – as you would with an element on your regular Procreate sail.

If you want to change your reference epitome, or clear it – double tap on the box towards the top, and you should see a carte du jour appear underneath the title reference, saying clear and import.

Tap clear, and your image will disappear for yous to import a new i; or y'all tin simply tap import to add together your side by side one.

To get rid of your reference epitome box altogether, go back up to the actions bill of fare and toggle the reference switch to off, you'll then come across the box fly abroad!

Using a Reference Image Direct From Your Camera Roll

Another way to utilise a reference paradigm, is to open up both your Procreate app and the photographic camera roll simultaneously.

First, open your camera roll and ensure the photograph which you'd similar to employ is in there, fix.

To open both apps at the aforementioned fourth dimension, open Procreate and swipe up from the bottom of your tablet's screen. Y'all should see a card popular up with your most recently used apps.

Select the photographic camera roll app from the pocket-sized menu. You lot'll now see the screen split, so you can view both apps at the same time. Alter the size of whichever app view by dragging the edge (in the heart).

This view isn't for everyone, and it'south typically easier to utilize Procreate's built in reference image tool, however, this selection comes in handy if y'all desire to switch between multiple images which you're using for reference.

Tracing an Prototype on Your Sail

Some other great way to apply images to enhance (or simplify!) your digital artwork, is to trace them. Yous can hands do this by adding an paradigm to your canvas then tracing over it on a unlike layer.

Tip: be mindful with images if you cull to trace them, as you accept to exist very careful not to employ other people's artwork or copyrighted images. I always use Pixabay to source reference images, information technology's a really great site with thousands of photos, which you are free to use for personal or commercial purposes.

Once you're prepare, tap on the actions tool at the pinnacle of your Procreate window, then under the add together department, select insert a photo.

You lot'll and so have the option to select a photo from your camera roll. Cull the one which y'all want to trace and insert it. It will then see it appear in the eye of your canvas.

The transform carte du jour will announced along the bottom of your screen, you lot can use this to resize or reposition your prototype, ready for tracing.

Once yous have your master epitome ready, tap on the layers panel. You'll see that your inserted epitome appears equally it's own layer.

Tap on this layer, and select rename. This step is optional but I like to practise it so that I don't get confused.

In one case you've done this, tap the + to add a new layer, ensuring that it'due south placed above your image layer.

Go dorsum to the prototype layer, and tap on the Northward which is next to the check box on the right hand side. Y'all'll encounter the opacity slider, use this to brand your image lighter.

Go dorsum to your newest layer, which should be the very superlative 1 – you're now ready for tracing!

Select your desired brush and colour, and describe effectually the edge of your image, however you desire. I've just drawn over the border of my pinecone roughly to show an example.

If you lot want to meet your traced drawing without the reference prototype underneath, go into the layers panel and uncheck the tick box on the image layer, this will hibernate it.

When y'all're fix to go on with your artwork, you can either keep the layer hidden, or you can swipe left on information technology to delete it.

Nosotros hope that you found these tips handy for your digital artwork in Procreate! Please allow us know how you like to use reference images, and what works of art you've created, in the comments.

How To Use Reference In Procreate,


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